
Shitiest tag editor for mac
Shitiest tag editor for mac

As for emphasis, well, should we have a sarcasm tag too, depending on the particular (semantic) meaning of the italics? Whoever had referred to strong text or described bold-set words as “strong” before the invention of this misguided element? There is no such thing as “strong” text. The term “strong” is especially funny I think. I’m in favor of the semantic-only approach, in theory, but it’s clear that most people don’t understand that just because something is visual doesn’t make it non-semantic. If there’s something you need to draw attention to, I’m sure you can think of plenty of alternate ways to draw focus to that area of the page than to have it flash on and off or scroll across the page! Crime 10: The Unspeakable Use of or Īpart from not even being part of the official collection of standard HTML endorsed by the W3 Consortium, the and tags are just pure ugliness. Your choice of header tag depends on the flow of your document, try to naturally insert them in order of 1-6 where appropriate. If you have a selection of words indicating what content is due to appear next, chances are one of the header tags will fit right in. Header tags are available all the way from to, and make handy tags to separate your document into titled sections. The border attribute is another presentational effect, so semantically it should be left to the CSS, even if it’s removing a default border from an element. Crime 8: Adding or Removing Borders in HTML Remember to always keep your styles in your stylesheet where they belong. The whole point of semantic HTML and CSS is to separate document structure and styling, so it just doesn’t make sense to go placing styling directly in the HTML document. You’ve heard it a thousand times – Inline styling is bad. These new tags are used together to show deleted, and the subsequently inserted text in a document. However they are now classed as deprecated tags, which means they still work fine (in Transitional), but there’s a set of new tags on the block – and. In the olden days, and were around to allow edits and amends to web text. Crime 6: Using The Wrong Strikethrough Tags It shouldn’t be used to make gaps between elements, instead, split the text into separate paragraphs, or adjust the margin styled by CSS. The line break tag of should only be used to insert is single line breaks in the flow of paragraph text to knock a particularly word down onto a new line. If the passage of text suggests areas of importance, they should be highlighted with the or tags, which basically do the same job as and, but also make the world a nicer place. The and tags make the text appear bold and italic respectively, but semantically they are classed as presentational tags, therefore the effect would be best replicated with the CSS styles of font-weight and font-style. Unsurprisingly the Unordered List tag does a great job of displaying a list of information, so don’t even think about using a bunch of line breaks ever again! Crime 4: Using and for Bolding and Italicizing The handy UL (and OL) tags have a bunch of uses and are extremely versatile for the display of all kinds of page items. If the image is purely for decorative purposes, simply add an empty alt attribute, such as alt=””. The ALT attribute should describe the image being shown, so an alt=”image” is bad practice.

shitiest tag editor for mac

It helps users determine what the image is, should they be browsing on a screen reader, or simply on a slow connection. The ALT attribute is a required element on all images displayed on a web page.

shitiest tag editor for mac

Crime 2: Not Including an ALT Attribute on Images

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With this in mind, inline elements should always go inside block elements, and never the other way around. Inline elements on the other hand should sit inside block elements and go with the flow of the document, examples include anchors and span tags. Block elements include divs and paragraphs, that make up the structure of the document. Each tag by default is naturally either a block or inline element. HTML elements can either be displayed in two ways, Block or Inline.

shitiest tag editor for mac

Crime 1: Placing Block Elements Inside Inline Elements

Shitiest tag editor for mac